St Mary Magdalene R.C. Church


Morrell Street, Maltby, Rotherham, S66 7LH


St Vincent de Paul Society

The society was formed to……………………

Parish Whatsapp Group

During lockdown, we set up a Parish Whatsapp Group so that we were able to stay in contact with each other. Each day, we join together for morning prayer at 9am and we end the day with the Rosary at 7pm. It is also a place for sharing news and asking for prayers. If anyone would like to be included in this group, please send your mobile phone details to or text 07485 609642

Scripture Group

Meetings are held on Thursday mornings at 10.30am in the Parish Room – everybody welcome

Journey in Faith

Meeting times can be found in the weekly newsletter

Prayer Group

The society was formed to……………………


The society was formed to……………………

Scouts, Brownies and Cubs

The society was formed to……………………

Choir and Music

The society was formed to……………………